Who are our clients ?

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Typology of clients at Sensation Vin

Where are they from?

The wine tasting classes in French speaking represent around 65%. The other 35 % are in English speaking. People who speak French mostly come from France, especially from the regions Ile-de-France, Grand-Est, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The Swiss and Belgian people really appreciate Burgundy wines and often come for classes.
English speakers represent 95% during the English classes. The most motivated are the Americans. Even if they can live anywhere in the United States, they often come from the West Coast (California, Oregon), or the East Coast (New-York, Florida), from Texas or from the Great Lakes (Michigan, Illinois). We meet as well Canadians, Australians, British people and a small proportion of Northern Europeans (the Netherlands, Denmark…)


How old are they?

It changed a lot between 1990 and today. In the past, most people were above 60. Today, you can sign in for a class and share it with people who are between 25 and 65 years old.  


What proportion between men and women?

Like the previous answer, this point changed a lot. Women were in the minority during the classes. Today, they represent between 40 and 45 %.


Do they have anything in common?

There is something in common with all people we receive at Sensation Vin: they all want to learn. No matter how old they are, or how knowledgeable they already are, because they are convinced there is always something new to learn. And of course, they all want to have fun.
The clients at Sensation Vin come from all over the world.
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